Your Business Advisory Service

A team of business experts at your disposal

About Us

Our Philosophy

We live in a rapidly changing world where new demands are constantly being placed on a company. Our philosophy is to support companies and organizations in their challenge to succeed in their strategy.

Providing the action plans, strategies, working methods and coaching that both create better conditions and ensure best results

Our Concept

Our business concept is to realize the potential for improvement that exists in all businesses and to create momentum in the change work. We do this by analyzing, developing, coaching and implementing action plans, strategies, working methods of our customers.

This leads to measurable results in the form of increased efficiency and more satisfied stakeholders


Strategy Services

Marketing And Sales

International Expansions

Change Management and Restructuring

Mergers and Acquisitions

Media and Marketing Services

Read more about our services

Latest News

Ybas Welcomes New Partner

Ybas is proud to announce that George Longbotham has joined the Ybas team as a Senior Advisor and Consulting Partner.

Market entry USA poster

Market entry USA partnering for success 29.10.2020 @15-16

Viaexpo together with YBAS and Altix Consulting offers a webinar.

YBAS haluaa viedä pohjalaisfirmoja Yhdysvaltojen markkinoille ja potkia perheyrityksiä vaikeisiin ratkaisuihin

Vaasalainen konsulttiyritys Ybas on tehnyt yhteistyösopimuksen amerikkalaisen Altixin kanssa.
Ybas aikoo auttaa pohjalaisyrityksiä laajentumaan ulkomaille, ja konsulttiyritys Altix on
erikoistunut teollisuusyritysten pääsemiseen Yhdysvaltojen markkinoille.

YBAS hjälper företag att etablera sig i USA

Jan Backman och Ove Jansson startade ett konsultföretag. Nu ska Ybas hjälpa öster- bottniska företag att etablera sig i USA.

Altix Consulting and YBAS partnership announcement

Altix Consulting and YBAS is the perfect partnership for Nordic companies to successfully and cost effectively establish business ventures in North America and other large markets, and is a breakthrough partnership for YBAS Nordic clients.

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Yrittäjänkatu 17
65380 Vaasa Finland
(+358) 40 161 81 87
advice [at]

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